Friday, March 28, 2008

St. Peter's Fish & The River Jordan

Tonight we are looking forward to seeing how Jews prepare for the Sabbath (sundown on Fri. 'til sundown on Sat.). In late afternoon stores and restaurants close up and families begin to wind down (no work) before sharing in the Shabbat dinner, which we will join also.

Early this morning we arrived at the Mount of the Beatitudes - where Jesus shared his ideas about life (the Sermon on the Mount). We all took time to reflect on our time in Israel so far as well as what God might want to share with us. We are becoming closer as a group and were very excited to visit the Jordan River. Several of us hiked around beneath a canopy of lush trees to see the source of the Jordan as well as
Tel Dan. We saw an ancient flower mill of a wealthy man and the city gate where the king and societal leaders sat to carry out court-hearings. Tels are several layers deep containing the remains of thousands of years of cultures, one upon another.

Our group became more excited as we nervously prepared many in our group to be baptized - some people were re-committing their lives to Christ and God while other men and women made first time public professions of faith. Lastly we stopped to see (traditional site) where Jesus appeared for the 3rd time to His disciples, inviting them to cast their nets again on the other side of their boat and join Him for breakfast.


Sally said...

Hi, Leslie,
Thanks for posting your informing entries. As you probably know, my cousins, Sue and Larry, are on the trip with you. Continue to have a wonderful time. Will be looking forward to reading the latest on your block.
In Christ,

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie,
Thank you so much for your descriptive details of your trip so far! I't makes me feel almost
like I'm there. I am praying for you all,and especially the Tanners
which I hope are doing well, and enjoying themselves thouroughly.They are truly missed. I look forword to more exciting details of your trip!

God Bless,
Rebecca Gifford

Della said...

Hi, Leslie,
Thanks for giving us here in the Phoenix desert such a great description of your Holy Land tour. May Jeus's peace and safety be with all of you as you continue to deepen your physical and faith journeys. Special hello to Larry & Sue Trachi, parents of my wonderful daughter-in-law.
Della L.

Leslie Dieterle said...

Hi Sally, Rebecca, and Della. Thanks for reading along, we appreciate your prayers. We are having a great time, eating very well (lots of dessert!), and sleeping very little (hahaha).

I am working out a few complications with pictures. Hopefully will get some more up soon. I may even use another site, Picasa to assist me in this.

Please pass along the word to read our blog.

Thanks everyone!