As we went on our way we could see Jericho much closer than in Jordan earlier in the trip. We wished we had time to stop.
Our driver, Josie, qued up a special song about Jerusalem as we ascended and curved our way up along greener hills. I was moved again by the natural beauty of Israel. Slowly we began to see small towns and Bedouin villages pop up more frequently. Soon we were seeing more modern apartment-like buildings. I felt like I had no idea what to expect of Jerusalem and yet I was excited and nervous to be there.
Just before pulling into the city our guide Mikey prepared us for our first view of the classic "Old City". We were all filled with anticipation and even cried tears of joy or prayed. Before long we passed through a short tunnel and once on the other side Mikey prompted us to look to our left out the bus windows where we immediately saw the Temple Mount (aka Mt. Moriah)
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